Governor Pritzker Signs Illinois Works Jobs Program Into Law at Laborers' Training Facility

December 11, 2019 - Contractors CLDC LMCC LECET

At the LIUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council Training Center yesterday afternoon, alongside chief bill sponsors Senator Napoleon Harris, Representative Will Davis, legislators and supporters, Governor Pritzker signed into law the Minority Participation Program requirements contained in the Rebuild Illinois capital bill.

The goal of the legislation is to create a pipeline of qualified and diverse workers who are prepared for careers in construction and the Building Trades, and to create more opportunities for minority-owned businesses. It sets aside $25M for the Illinois Works Pre-apprenticeship program for community-based diversity recruitment, prescreening, and pre-apprenticeship skills-training, and establishes a review panel to monitor the effectiveness of Illinois Works Pre-apprenticeship programs. The legislation also establishes a goal that 10 percent of labor hours be performed by apprentices on Rebuild Illinois projects and creates two bid-credit banks for contractors who hire workers who have completed an Illinois Works Pre-apprenticeship program and/or subcontract to minority-owned firms.

SB 177 is a great achievement and the Laborers are proud to have worked diligently with law-makers and the Governor’s office to address long-standing disparities in both minority participation in the Building Trades apprenticeship programs, and participation of minority-owned businesses on public works projects.