Understand How Trump's Project 2025 Will Cut Your Pay and Benefits & Harm Your Family

What's at Stake

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Trump's Ties to Project 2025

  • Allows Employers to Discriminate on the Basis of Sex, Race, Religion and Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity (p.583)
  • Provides more federal labor and employment law exemptions for Religious Employers (585)
  • Guts Overtime Pay (pp.587 & 592)
  • Allows for non-union apprenticeships in construction, IRAPs on Steroids (p.594)
  • Exempts Small Employers from federal labor and employment laws and expands the definition of Small Employer (p.594)
  • Allows Employers to Put Worker Safety at Risk without Consequences (p.594)
  • Eliminates Child Labor Protections for teens allowing children under age 18 to work in dangerous industries such as handling explosives or working in places where they may be exposed to radioactive substances (p.595)
  • Allows sham “unions” run by management (p.598)
  • Redefines “protected concerted activity” so that workers will be less protected from retaliation when they engage in union organizing (p.601)
  • Allows Employers to Union-Bust in Secret: Reverses the Persuader Rule (p.602)
  • Makes it Illegal for Employers to Voluntarily Recognize the Union: Bans Card Check (p.602)
  • Empowers employers to use union-busting tactics to decertify a union in the middle of a contract: Eliminating the Contract Bar Rule (p.603)
  • Allows employers and unions to negotiate against federal labor and employment laws (p.603)
  • Restricts Unemployment Insurance (p.604)
  • Bans Project Labor Agreements (p.604)
  • Repeals Davis-Bacon and bans prevailing wage (p.604)
  • Allows states and local governments to exempt themselves from the National Labor Relations Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act (p.605)
  • Allows States to Privatize Unemployment Insurance (p.606)
  • Goes after multi-employer pension plans (p.608)
  • Requires 70% of federal contractors’ employees to be U.S. Citizens, 95% by year 10 (p.612)
  • Guts State and Local Funding for Public Transit and Transit Employees’ Wages (p.635)
  • Taxes workers’ fringe benefits (p.697)
  • Cuts Training Assistance to Workers Whose Jobs were Outsourced (p. 806)